Day 12 Cave Diver Course

Day 12 Cave Diver Course

Day 12 Cave Diver Course Location: Buton Tengah, Muna island. Cave: Goa Meja Dive time:  154 minutes Cumulated Dive time:  1689 minutes Circuit, Traverse and Survival. Last day but not least. After 11 days of hard training, here come the last day. As said before,...
Day 10 Cave Diver Course

Day 10 Cave Diver Course

Day 10  Cave Diver Course Location: Buton Tengah, Muna island. Cave: Goa La Ode Panu Dive time:  124 minutes Cumulated Dive time:1458 minutes Gas Recalculation and Lost Diver. Gas Recalculation? What the heck? Why would I need to recalculate my turn It is pretty...
Day 8 Cave Diver Course

Day 8 Cave Diver Course

Day 8 Cave Diver Course. Location: Buton Tengah, Muna island. Cave: Goa Teluk Lasongko Dive time:  154 minutes Cumulated Dive time: 1178 min Jump! Jumping in a dive seems a non-sense but when it comes to cave diving it refers to the act of jumping from a guideline to...