Day 12 Cave Diver Course

Day 12 Cave Diver Course

Day 12 Cave Diver Course Location: Buton Tengah, Muna island. Cave: Goa Meja Dive time:  154 minutes Cumulated Dive time:  1689 minutes Circuit, Traverse and Survival. Last day but not least. After 11 days of hard training, here come the last day. As said before,...
Day 9 Cave Diver Course

Day 9 Cave Diver Course

Day 9 Cave Diver Course. Location: Buton Tengah, Muna island. Cave: Goa Labungkari Dive time:  156 minutes Cumulated Dive time: 1334 min Next episode in the Navigation show: how to gather information about the cave and survive navigation mistakes (that of course...
Day 7 Cave Diver Course

Day 7 Cave Diver Course

Day 7 : Cave Diver Course Location: Buton Tengah, Muna island. Cave: Goa Labungkari Dive time:  125 minutes Cumulated Dive time: 1024 min Day 7 into the cave diver course, navigation and restriction ! After 6 days spent in Wakatobi in nice entry level caves, it was...