Day 6 Introductory Cave Diver Course

Day 6 Introductory Cave Diver Course

Day 6 Introductory Cave Diver. Location: Wangi-Wangi Island, Wakatobi. Cave: Goa Kontamale to Teekosapi Dive time:  159 minutes Accumulated Dive time: 899 min Today is all about planning. I am going to give my students a pretty complex plan to follow and see how they...
Day 3 Cavern Course

Day 3 Cavern Course

Day 3 Cavern Diver Course Location: Wangi-Wangi Island, Wakatobi. Cave: Goa Teekosapi. Dive time:  140 minutes Cumulated Dive time: 429 minutes. Today is a milestone day. A big day. A great day. The student may venture for the first time in the Overhead. They will not...
Day 2 Cavern Course.

Day 2 Cavern Course.

Day 2 Cavern Diver Course. Location: Wangi-wangi island, Wakatobi. Cave: Goa Kontamale. Dive time:  140 minutes The second day starts the same way as the first. We sit by the sea and first review the students auto evaluation. I found this teaching tool very useful. I...